
For more information regarding the Armani clinic visit www.alviarmani.com or email info@alviarmani.com

My receding hairline had been bothering me for years. My hair was making me look older then I really was, I was not happy with my look. Because I am a model I needed the very best to work on my hair. I am in the public eye so a natural result was very important.

I chose Alvi Armani for my hair restoration clinic. I am now 11 months out from my procedure and my hair has never been better. My temples were completely closed in and my hairline lowered. The hairs in my hairline are incredibly natural. I cannot tell what are my existing hairs and what hairs were transplanted. I am thrilled! My hairline has not only raised my self confidence it has given my career a boost as well! Thank you to the Alvi Armani clinic.

11 months

11 months

Post Op

Post Op
Here is a photo of the graft placement. I love how they created my new temples. The work looks very clean and everything is healing very fast.

Before Photos

Before Photos

Here are my before photos. My temples had moved back atleast 3 inches.
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